Soapstone Programs

The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size.
~ Albert Einstein

Our Programs


We foster wellbeing and personal growth across all generations, through mindfulness, meditation, and transformative sculpture experiences.


Our vision is to create a world where every individual can achieve inner peace and personal growth through mindfulness, meditation, and engaging sculpture experiences.

Beginner Programs

Welcome to the start of an exciting journey!

Our team is excited to introduce budding sculptors, of any age, to the world of soapstone sculpting!

We bring everything that is needed for your unique experience - we set up and clean up.

We open our workshops with a brief discussion chosen from 6 pre-designed categories or we can tailor the introductory discussions to your specific classroom or event needs.

The Beginner Workshops introduce participants to the world of soapstone sculpting in a safe, easy to follow, non-judgmental environment. The projects available for this level are perfect for getting to know the amazing qualities of soapstone and the adventures of sculpting. This program is about getting the stone into the sculptor’s hands and exploring the many ways to sculpt the stone without the need for sharp tools or power tools.

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Beginner Program

Participants will practice:

  • Fine motor skill efficiency as they practice and learn about pressure application and technique to get the desired effect without breaking their work of art.
  • Building spatial awareness and proportion.
  • Precision – sculpting straight lines or angles that require a great deal of patience.
  • Mindfulness – like many activities in life the joy is experienced in the journey and not the destination. Being present in the moment is key to any creative and artistic endeavor.
  • Building self-confidence.


Participants have the final choice of the project piece they work with. This is the sculptor’s creation, and the personal connection with the stone shapes the experience.

All of the carving work is completed in shallow trays with water to eliminate stone dust in the air and simplify cleanup at the end of the program.

Sandpaper with various grits will be used (there are no sharp tools or power tools) to achieve the shape and final finish. Our staff will be equipped with a drill should any of the carvers require a hole.


Finishing options can be discussed in more detail during our booking call.

This program is available to:

  • School grades kindergarten to 12 (a rich learning opportunity)

Beginner Projects

Basic shapes – Basic shapes are broken down into common geometric shapes, either 2D or 3D such as cubes, triangles, and cylinders and what we consider to be familiar, common shapes. Our most popular familiar shapes are arrow heads, hearts, seashells and rings.

Small Animal Silhouette – Our small animal silhouettes are .5” thick. They are common silhouettes such as an owl, rabbit or bear. The shapes provide basic outlines but the sculptor can modify them to suit their vision.

Small Creatures – Our most popular beginner program, small creatures surround us and fascinate us. Many options are available but our mouse, beetle and snail are the most common.

Custom Shapes – We can discuss your specific needs if they fall outside the options discussed above.

Experienced Programs

Welcome to the continuation of the exciting soapstone journey!

Our team is excited to provide experienced sculptors of any age, more challenging projects within the world of soapstone carving. We bring everything that is needed for your unique experience.

We bring everything that is needed for your unique experience - we set up and clean up.

We begin the workshop by explaining what soapstone is and its storied history with people. The amount and depth of discussion can be adjusted to suit your specific needs.

The experienced programs build on the sculptor’s skills that were built and practiced upon in the beginner programs in a safe, easy to follow, non-judgmental environment. The projects available for this level will challenge the growing sculptor, building confidence to tackle more complex projects. This program is about taking the skills learned in the beginner program and honing them as well as expanding the creative perspective. Sculptors will continue the exploration of the many different ways to carve the stone with the addition of stone carving chisels.

The experienced workshop gives participants an opportunity to practice and further develop the skills learned in the beginner programs.

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Participants will practice:

  • Fine motor skill efficiency as they continue to practice and learn about pressure application and technique, not only with sandpapers but metal tools, to get the desired effect without breaking their work of art.
  • Building spatial awareness and proportion by working on bigger and more complex projects. We also start learning how to work with the qualities of the stone such as coloring, banding and defects that will add uniqueness to the finished piece.
  • Precision – continuing to practice precision carving by working on more complex projects that are beyond straight lines. Some possibilities are parallel lines, curves and surface textures.
  • Mindfulness – like many activities in life the joy is experienced in the journey and not the destination. Being present in the moment is key to any creative and artistic endeavor.
  • Building self-confidence – as the sculptor continues to learn the craft, they begin to blend art with skill.


As with all of our programs, participants have the final choice of the piece they work with. Connecting with the stone is part of the creation process and is a key component of the experience.

All of the stone work is completed in shallow trays with water to eliminate stone dust in the air and simplify cleanup at the end of the program.

Sculptors will be able to use small chisels as well as sandpaper in various grits to achieve the shape and final finish on their creation. Our staff also have a drill on hand should a need arise for a hole.


In experienced workshops there are more finishing options available other than vegetable oil such as paraffin or bee’s wax which requires heat for application. It lasts longer than the vegetable oil, resists minor abrasion, but it still not very durable for pieces that will be handled often.
Tung oils and synthetic finishes are also available. These finishes are non-toxic and are much more durable but have a much longer drying time. Finishing options can be discussed in more detail during our booking call.

This program is available to:

  • School grades 6 to 12
  • Addiction and mental health patients
  • Seniors
  • Team building events
  • Birthday parties
  • Wine and cheese evenings
  • Special events
  • Open workshops

Experienced Projects

Animal Tracks – This is an interesting project where we take any animal’s footprint and carve it into the stone and has the added bonus of learning the different tracks of our wild friends.

Animal Heads – Another interesting project where we use the silhouette of our favorite animal’s head and bring it to life in 3D. In its literal sense, this would be a high-end experienced project but could also prove compelling in abstraction.

Medium Silhouettes – Our medium animal silhouettes bring a new dimension to sculpting animals. At 1.5” thick there is more opportunity to add detail and a unique perspective to the piece. We have the usual favorites such as the bear or fox, but also have special options such as the dragonfly, butterfly or eagle.

Small Creatures – As in our beginner program, we have small creatures available. We have chosen certain ones to provide opportunities for the participant to further practice and expand their comfort zone. Our favorite pieces for this purpose are the beetle and snail.

Advanced Programs

Welcome to your continuing soapstone adventure and the journey beyond!

Our team is excited to provide advanced sculptures of any age, a more challenging experience within the world of soapstone carving! We bring everything that is needed for your unique experience.

We bring everything that is needed for your unique experience - we set up and clean up.

We begin the workshop by explaining what soapstone is and its storied history with people. The amount and depth of discussion can be adjusted to suit your specific needs.

The advanced program continues to build on the sculptors skills that were enhanced and fine-tuned through beginner and experienced programs, in a safe, easy to follow, non-judgmental environment. The projects available for this level will challenge the sculptor and encourage the artist to excel at more complicated projects. This program is the pinnacle of your journey with Unique Soapstone Experiences. All of the skills learned in the previous programs will be further developed and challenged, bringing you to the creative edge. Sculptors in the advanced program will engage in larger projects requiring a degree of planning combined with the effective use of a variety of tools including stone sculpting chisels, power tools and papers of varying grit.

The advanced workshop gives participants the opportunity to create from the rough with no guidance other than their own perceptions.

Participants will practice:

  • Fine motor skill efficiency as they push their creative capacity to the limit while continuing to practice and learn to use new skills, techniques and tools.
  • Building creativity, spatial awareness and proportion by working on complex projects with no creative lead other than your own ideas.
  • Precision – pushing your limits by incorporating all of the skills learned in previous programs and putting them to use on complex projects. The only limits here…there are NO LIMITS!
  • Mindfulness – like many activities in life the joy is experienced in the journey and not the destination. Being present in the moment is key to any creative and artistic endeavor.
  • Project planning – starting with a rough block of stone and mapping out your idea and then releasing it from the stone.
  • The introduction of power tools – sometimes you just have to use additional power to get that last detail to emerge from the stone.
  • Practicing in different stone mediums. Eventually we plan to expand into other stones that increase in beauty but also hardness and fragility.


As will all of our programs, participants will have the final choice of the piece they work with. Connecting with the stone is part of the creation process and is a key component of the experience.

As much as possible the work will be completed in shallow trays with water to eliminate stone dust in the air and simplify clean up at the end of the program. However, with advanced projects this is not always possible especially if power tools are required. All aspects of the advanced program can be discussed in a booking call to determine wants and needs. We are hoping to have our own studio by 2024 with dedicated space for projects that cannot be completed in our water trays.


In advanced workshops, sculptors use the finishing options that best suit their finished project. Paraffin or beeswax, Tung oils and synthetic finishes are all available.

This program is available to:

  • School options classes
  • Adults
  • Youth
  • Seniors

Advanced Projects

Large Silhouettes– The largest versions of our popular animal silhouettes. These are custom cut to minimize time on shaping and emphasize more time on detailing your perfect creation. Many of our common silhouettes are available and some that are not available in the small and medium silhouettes.

Block Stone – The ultimate sculpting project. Planning, cutting, sculpting and finishing your project from a rough block of stone. Our common sizes are 3x3x4.5, 4x4x5, 4x4x6.5 and 5.5×5.5×5.5. Although these are our stock sizes, with notice we can provide any size or cut of stone for your sculpting needs.

Unique Soapstone Experiences

Contact Us Today

We look forward to discussing how our programs can unlock your creativity and enhance your wellness journey. Get in touch with us today.